About Cheryl’s Books

You’re in the right place to learn more about Cheryl’s books.  Click on a banner to explore a series.

This trilogy reimagines the story of the Phantom of the Opera from a new perspective.  What do events look like from Meg Giry’s point of view?  What if the Phantom looks a little less mad when he gets to tell his side of things?  And what if Christine is more complicated than anyone expects?


A collaborative project, Cheryl worked with four other authors to create this novella and its companion piece, telling the tale of “Beauty and the Beast” from the servants’ point of view–with more than one twist along the way!


Cheryl indulged her love of fairy tale retelling for this quartet.  Each book stands alone with a different protagonist, poking some fun at familiar fairy tales as a variety of characters from kitchen maids to princesses try to find their own version of a happily ever after–and not run afoul of a sparkly Good Fairy in the process.  Also, there’s a talking cat.

4 thoughts on “About Cheryl’s Books

  1. Pingback: Giveaway and Author Interview: Cheryl Mahoney | alibrarymama

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