NaNoWriMo 2023 – Day #12

More than a third of the way through NaNoWriMo already!  It’s been going very well so far – I’ve built up a nice cushion of extra words, which may be helpful in the later part of the month, which I expect to be busier.

I’ve been really enjoying the writing this time around.  The story has been flowing very well, I think in part because I have a solid outline.  I don’t get stuck wondering where to go next, because I did that planning in October.  Though just yesterday I made some revisions to my outline, realizing I needed to rearrange a few chapters and add another one in to make the timeline work.  But mostly I have a good framework to work with.

It also helps that I know all of my major characters very well – I’ve already written at least one book with each character in the lead, and most have appeared throughout the series.  That makes it easier to get into the flow of writing for each of them.

I’m tending to write about one chapter a day, which feels very satisfying, to hit a nice end point each day.  It’s also a sign that the story is moving quickly, and since sometimes I get bogged down with slow pacing, that’s encouraging too!  The first big crisis point of the story hits in Chapter Six, which meant spending the next few chapters with different characters dealing with the crisis.  Trying to avoid spoilers, but my husband likes to joke that I really like writing angst, and he is not wrong… Continue reading “NaNoWriMo 2023 – Day #12”

NaNoWriMo 2023 – Day #2

Another November and National Novel Writing Month is upon us!  I’ve been planning for this year’s NaNo for the past several weeks.  I’m working on drafting the fifth and final book of my Thorns saga, The Queen of Thorns.  I’ve had some vague ideas around this book for years – back when it was supposed to be Book 3, and I had no idea there’d be two other books in the series!

Since I did end up with two other books, with their own lead characters, I’m excited to use Book 5 to bring everything back together.  I’ve put together a somewhat detailed outline over the last few weeks, and have planned chapters from the points of view of all the lead characters from the series.  So it’s still a Rose and Terrence book, but there are also story arcs and chapters focused more on Elena and Henry (Book 3’s leads), and on Penelope and Cade (Book 4’s leads).  I know from reading other series with multiple leads that sometimes the intended “main” leads aren’t my favorite, and it’s disappointing if my favorites don’t get enough screentime in the series finale.  So I hope to cover that in my own book – and besides, I really like all my main characters too! Continue reading “NaNoWriMo 2023 – Day #2”

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (October, 2023)

Happy almost-Halloween!  I think I’ll kick-off this month’s recap of reading with my one spooky book – Goosebumps: Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes by R. L. Stine.  My book club opted to go fun and nostalgic this month, and each of us picked a Goosebumps book to read.  I was actually never a fan back when I was the target age (although I later read Phantom of the Auditorium…of course) but this was a fun, silly read now.  It’s a basic enough premise of lawn gnomes who come to life, create mischief, and get the twelve-year-old boy protagonist in trouble until he figures out their secret weakness (spoiler: it’s the dog whistle).  I will say, though, I deeply, personally related to the boy’s older sister, who alphabetizes her books by author, and the main character and his best friend really were as obnoxious and annoying as the sister thought they were!  Fine to read, would drive me nuts in life I’m sure.

I finished out a trilogy with The Master Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg, trying to finish the sloooow burn romance of the previous two books.  They did ultimately get together, but there was surprisingly little pay-off for the long build-up.  The couple went from maybe to inevitable with very little fireworks about it.  The magic was good though, and the adventure was enjoyable too. Continue reading “What I’ve Been Reading Lately (October, 2023)”

Writing Update (October, 2023)

It’s been a little while since I did a writing update – while projects were moving along, there wasn’t much new to report!  Drafts finally feel like they’re moving to a new stage though.

I made some revisions to Thorns 2, then sent that out for a second-round of beta reader feedback.  I received comments back without huge edits needed, so that’s always encouraging to see!  I made some final-ish revisions, then printed the draft out and have started reading it out loud to my husband, to find any final revisions to make.  The book should be on track to be out late 2023 or early 2024.  Depends on how the rest of life goes!

While Thorns 2 was being reviewed, I did some work on Thorns 3, making  revisions and plans for future revising, especially in the second half of the book.  I’m setting that aside for now, while I read through Thorns 2 and start making plans for NaNoWriMo – which, incredibly, is only a couple weeks away!!  I’ve done some character exercises, and now I’m working on building out more of the outline for my planned project: The Queen of Thorns, the fifth and final book in the series.  I have ideas, but I want to see if I can get more details worked out before I start on the actual writing.

So, lots of books in different stages, but it’s fun to move between the different parts of writing.  Hopefully I can make good progress reading Thorns 2, firm up my outline for Thorns 5, and be ready to launch into NaNoWriMo on November 1st!  I’ll let you know how it goes.

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (September, 2023)

Squeaking in at the end of the month with an update on September’s reading!  Let’s jump right in…

Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister was a very good time-twisty mystery.  Jen watches her teenage son commit murder – and then starts living her life backward, each morning waking up on an earlier day.  I really liked seeing her try to put the pieces together to unravel what had happened, and how to prevent the murder.  A couple twists I saw coming, but others surprised me.

My book club selected How to Take Over the World by Ryan North as our non-fiction read of the month.  It’s basically a pop-science book about the current edges of technology, loosely centered around the idea of pursuing a career as a super villain.  It’s a career strong on secret bases and low-to-nonexistent on actual villainy.  The final section on how to preserve a message for the future (on the order of thousands or millions of years) was probably the most intriguing. Continue reading “What I’ve Been Reading Lately (September, 2023)”